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DORAS palamaja
DORASS ??Yups.. Donor Darah Siswa !!
pasti dah kebayang jarum suntik kan??
hii.. atut...
Gpp ug, gag atit.. (kyak d.gi2t SEMUT ..haahaay...)
Tp b'manfaat kug ..
itung2 b'amal..
Ea kand ??
Jgn LUPA Ikut dOras Selanjutnya Ea..

yess!! saat.na b'POSE !! (hahaayy..)

*mlh eksis nih .. hehe tp ak kug gag kiatan ea .. jiakh..

**jiakh.. knp to ??

*ciee.. ciee.. so sweett !! (hahaay...)

*beudh.. gmn doras enakkan? mak nyuss !!

*cie.. di tunggu ayank.. aTit.na iLANG !! hahay..

*wew.. knp tu?? tangan.na d.kompRess ..hm..DeMAM Ea?
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